Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Matteo Aletti

    • Co-organizer of the monthly Junior Seminar of Inria Paris.

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Member of the organizing and scientific committees of the "Recent advances in kinetic equations and applications" workshop, June 2016, Paris

    • Member of the organizing committee of the 5th "Forum Emploi Maths", December 2016, Paris

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Local organizing Committee of the SIAM conference on Parallel Processing 2016. Paris, France.

  • Sanjay Pant

    • Organizing committee member, 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE) 2017

  • I. Vignon-Clementel

    • Organized a minisymposium at the COSINE conference, May 25th-26th, Bordeaux, France

    • Organized a minisymposium at the ECCOMAS congress, June 4th-9th, Crete, Greece

    • Programme committee member, Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering Conference

    • Conference steering committee, International Conference on Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, 2015-present

Scientific Events Selection

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Member of the Scientific Program Committee of the Millennium Science Initiative, a program of the Ministry of Economy of Chile.

    • Expert for Horizon2020 FET OPEN RIA Call 2015/2.

  • Irene Vignon-Clementel

    • Expert for “Appel à projets générique”, ANR 2016.

  • Marina Vidrascu

    • Expert for FONDECYT - Chile “Projects for Initiation in Research” 2016


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Editor-in-Chief of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), SMAI/EDP Sciences.

    • Series editor of “SEMA SIMAI Series”, Springer.

    • Member of the editorial board of Journal Advances in Computational Mathematics (ACOM), Springer

    • Member of the editorial board of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (IJNMBE), Wiley.

    • Member of the editorial board of Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, SIMAI/De Gruyter.

    • Member of the editorial board of Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology, Kugler.

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Member of the editorial board of Digital Medicine

Research Administration

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Expert evaluator for ANVUR (VQR 2011-2014), Italy

    • Member of the Board of Mathematics Licence (EFU de Licence de mathématiques), UPMC

    • Member of the think-tank for third-year programs in Mathematics at UPMC.

    • Member of the IREM (Institutes for Research on Mathematics Teaching) Scientific Committee.

    • Member of the SMAI (French Society for applied and industrial mathematics) Teaching Committee.

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Supervisor of the teaching of mathematics at the engineer school Polytech Paris-UPMC

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Co-president of the Scientific Positions Commission, Inria Paris

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Service activity at Inria: Délégué Scientifique / Chairman of the project-teams' committee of Inria Paris research center; Member of the Inria Evaluation Committee.

    • Service activity in other French institutions: member of the scientific committee of Labex NUMEV, Montpellier.

    • Service activity abroad: member of the Reference Committee of the PhD program Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering (Politecnico di Milano, Italy).

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Member of the Evaluation Committee Inria (2015–)

    • Head of the HCERES evaluation Jury of Imath lab. Toulon Univ.

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Vice-President & Council Member of the International Society of Digital Medicine

  • I. Vignon-Clementel

    • Organizing the monthly seminar at Inria Paris on “modeling and scientific computing”, now joint seminar "Rencontres Inria-LJLL en calcul scientifique" (until June 2016)

    • Committee member for PhD students at Inria "Commission consultative des doctorants", since July 2016.

    • Mediator between PhD students and their supervisors for Inria Paris-Rocquencourt


  • Matteo Aletti

    • Minisymposium talk, SIMAI2016, Sep 13-16, 2016 Milano, Italy

    • Minisymposium talk, ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Jun 5-10, 2016, Crete, Greece

    • Presentation at REVAMMAD (EU Marie Curie ITN) meeting, Jun 2016, Lincoln, UK

  • Rodolfo Araya

    • Seminar, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, May 26

    • Seminar, Groupe de Modélisation Mathématique, Mécanique et Numérique, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Jun 6

    • Minisymposium talk, The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications 2016 (MAFELAP 2016) conference, Jun 14-17, London, UK

  • Chloé Audebert

    • Seminar, Journée interne du Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Nov 16, 2016, Paris, France.

    • Seminar, BioMécanique et BioIngénierie (BMBI), UTC, Nov 15, 2016, Compiègne, France.

    • Minisymposium talk,Word Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Jul 24-29, 2016, Seoul, Korea

    • Minisymposium talk, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Jun 5-10, 2016, Crete Island, Greece

    • Open Brain in HPB Surgery, Club Innovation ACHBT, Jun 3-5, 2016, Carnac, France.

    • Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique (CANUM), May 9-13, 2016, Obernai, France

    • Talk, Saint-Antoine hospital, May 3, 2016, Paris, France

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Seminar, Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Univ. Novi Sad, Serbia, July 2016

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Workshop ANR IFSMACS, Toulouse, Nov 2016

    • Invited talk, Workshop Carleman estimates, unique continuation, University College of London, Nov 2016

    • Seminar LMAC, Compiègne, Oct 2016

    • Workshop Mathematics and Health, LJLL, UPMC, May 2016

    • Workshop ANR IFSMACS, Paris, Mar 2016

    • Seminar PDE, IECL, Nancy, Feb 2016

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Invited Speaker IWH Symposium on Simulation and Optimization of Extreme Fluids, Oct 2016, Heidelberg, Germany

    • Minisymposium talk, The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications 2016 (MAFELAP 2016) conference, Jun 14-17, London, UK

    • Invited Speaker, Workshop on geometrically unfitted finite element methods, Jan 6-8, 2016, London, UK

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Invited lecturer, CISM-ECCOMAS International Summer School (6 hours), June 2016, Udine, Italia.

    • Invited lecturer, “Numerical methods for PDEs”, Institut Henri Poincaré (9 hours), Oct 2016, Paris, France.

    • Invited speaker, Workshop: Mathematical Modeling in Cardiovascular Healthcare, Oct 2016, Emory University, USA

    • Invited speaker, Workshop “Boundary layer and Fluid-Structure Interaction”, Jan 2016, Bordeaux, France.

    • Invited speaker, 2d conference “Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems”, Dec 2016, Châtenay Malabry, France.

    • Seminar at Collège de France, Pierre-Louis Lions chair, May 2016, Paris, France.

    • Minisymposium talk, European Congress of Mathematics (ECM), July 2016, Berlin, Germany.

    • Minisymposium talk, World Congress of Computational Mechanics (WCCM), July 2016, Seoul, Korea.

    • Minisymposium talk, SIMAI conference, Sep 2016, Milan, Italy.

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Invited Speaker IWH Symposium on Simulation and Optimization of Extreme Fluids, Oct 2016, Heidelberg, Germany

    • Seminar, Ecole Centrale, Apr 2016

    • Invited Speaker, Journées Jeunes Edépistes, Mar 2016, Bordeaux

    • Invited Speaker, Boundary Layers and Fluid-Structure Interactions, Jan 2016, Bordeaux

  • Mikel Landajuela

    • Seminar, Séminaire d’analyse numérique, Université de Genève, Mar 8, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Damiano Lombardi

    • Invited talk, ALGORITMY 2016, Mar 13-18, 2016, Podbaske, Slovakia

    • Invited talk, SIMAI 2016, Sep 13-16, 2016, Milano, Italy

    • Contributed talk, Workshop on Reduced Order Modeling, Nov 7-10, 2016, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris

  • Sanjay Pant

    • Contributed talk, The 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), Jul 2016, Seoul, Korea

    • Contributed talk, 5th International Conference on Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, Jun 2016 , Orlando, Florida, USA

    • Contributed talk, Computational modeling in healthcare: Making confident predictions in a world of error and uncertainty, Apr 2016, Glasgow, UK

  • Nicolas Pozin

    • Minisymposium talk, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering - ECCOMAS 2016, Jun 5-10, 2016, Creta, Greece

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Invited Speaker, 6th Annual Academic Congress of Chinese Society of Digital Medicine and1st International Conference on Digital Medicine & Medical 3D Printing, Jun 17-19, 2016, Nanjing, China

    • Minisymposium talk, 16th International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU), Mar 14-16, 2016, Tel-Aviv, Israel

  • Alexandre This

    • Seminar, Inria Paris Junior Seminar, Oct 18, 2016, Paris

  • Eliott Tixier

    • Minisymposium talk, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Apr 5-8, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Irene Vignon-Clementel

    • Seminar, Paul Brousse Hospital, Nov 18th, Villejuif, France

    • Seminar, DKFZ, Nov 15th, Heidelberg, Germany

    • Invited talk, SimInhale workshop, Oct 17th-19th, Prague, Czech Republic

    • Invited talk, GRIC Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Oct 13th, Paris, France

    • Minisymposium talk, CMBBE conference, September 20th-22nd, Tel Aviv, Israel

    • Seminar, Dassault Systems, July 20th, Velizy-Villacoublay, France

    • Minisymposium talk, SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, July 11th-14th, Boston, USA

    • Presentation for the Chinese Academy of Science, June 29th, Paris, France

    • Invited talk, Inria National Scientific Days, June 20th-22th, Rennes, France

    • Invited talk, International Conference on Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, June 9th-10th, Orlando, USA

    • Minisymposim Keynote, ECCOMAS congress, June 4th-9th, Crete, Greece

    • Minisymposium talk, COSINE conference, May 25th-26th, Bordeaux, France

    • Presentation, Demi-journée Math-Industrie, LJLL-UPMC, May 10th 2016, Paris, France

    • Invited Keynote, Computational modelling in healthcare: Making confident predictions in a world of error and uncertainty (workshop), April 26th 2016, Glasgow, UK

    • Minisymposium talk, UQ SIAM conference, EPFL, April 5th-8th, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland

    • Invited talk, workshop: towards a unified framework for benchmarking multicellular models and modelling/simulation software, Leipzig University, March 14th-16th, 2016, Leipzig, Germany

    • Podium talk, The 8th International Bio-Fluids Symposium, February 12-14, 2016, CaltechTech, Pasadena, USA

    • Seminar, Department of Mechanical Eng., UC at Berkeley, Feb. 10th, 2016, Berkeley, USA

    • Seminar, HeartFlow company, Feb. 9th, 2016, Mountain View, USA